Duck like Dinosaurs Species found

Duck like Dinosaurs Species found

Dinosaurs have always been a mystery for human being and have always been a subject of experiment and finding something new about them. Recently a new species of Dinosaurs has been found and is named Halszkaraptor esuilliei after Polish palaeontologist Halszka Osmolska. This species has a bill like a duck, teeth like a croc’s, a swanlike neck and killer claws, flippers like a penguin but walked like an ostrich. This meat eating Dino can also swim making it the first of its kind having swimming ability. Though the creature could…

Blue Wine-New flavour for your taste buds

Blue Wine-New flavour for your taste buds

Blue wine. You may not have heard about it before. A new cobalt blue colored wine is being launched in USA in October 2017 after a two year experiment mainly in Spain. The maker of this wine Gik who originally launched in Spain were fined Euro 3000 by Spanish government as this colour was not legally approved in wine industry. It will be launched in USA in October and is expected to be priced between $12 to $14. The producers of this wine are trying to do something different with…

Aquasonic-First underwater music concert

Aquasonic-First underwater music concert

First underwater music performance “Aquasonic” has taken audience on a unique and fascinating journey into unchartered territory and is a combination of water and music. The underwater performance is given in glass water tanks. The music is more melodic and soothing to ears as compared to performance given outside water. The melody is more resonant. The audience, of course, will remain dry on the outside, listening to the music picked up by the hydrophones. This has been successful after years of experiment done beneath water with different music instruments and…