Battle for Rare Earth Minerals

Battle for Rare Earth Minerals

Every one of us has seen countries fighting to gain supremacy over Oil and Oil reserves. But soon this will become history as the fight for Oil and Coal will be replaced with Critical Resources Minerals or Critical Raw Materials (CRM). These new age minerals include Cobalt, Titanium, Copper, Aluminum, Boron, Sulfur, Lithium, Phosphate, Iron, Manganese, Silicon, Nickel, Zinc, Graphite. CRM which is green and environment friendly is the future of this planet. CRM is available in few countries but again the game will be for countries who can explore…

Animal that lives on head and kicks food in mouth

Animal that lives on head and kicks food in mouth

The extraordinary animals living on their heads are Barnacles. You might have noticed barnacles encrusting large rocks at low tide and mistaken for some kind of Mollusc. Earlier called as Mollusc they were actually found to be a type of Crustaceans after noticing larvae hatching from eggs that had several features common with crustaceans. They belong to the same group to which crabs, lobsters etc. belong. The larva swims around feeding and growing and then changing into a shelled form and then chooses a place on a surface to settle…

World’s smallest plant to become Next Big Superfood

World’s smallest plant to become Next Big Superfood

Wolffia (or watermeal) is the smallest and tiniest flower in the world and belongs to duckweed family (Lemnaceae). This family in fact contains some of the simplest flowering plants. The Wolffia plant itself averages 0.1 to 0.2 mm in diameter and weighs about 1/1,90,000 of an ounce and is about the size of a grain of rice. This plant is mainly found in freshwater lakes and marshes worldwide and can float anywhere since it does not have any roots. Did you know that this plant is very healthy as it…