OMG!Chilly weather dropping Iguanas from trees

OMG!Chilly weather dropping Iguanas from trees

Have you ever heard anyone falling from the tree because of chilly weather? Iguanas are falling from the trees in USA due to chilled weather. Iguana is a large arboreal tropical American lizard with a spiny crest along the back and greenish coloration which are found in Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean. These can even be found in Southern belt of USA. Florida, a south eastern state of USA has become so chilled that Iguana is falling from the tree like overripe mangoes once it climbs it…

How can you tell age of a tree

How can you tell age of a tree

Do you know age of a tree planted around you? As a tree grows, its trunk thickens as new wood is added in the middle of the trunk. The age of a tree can be judged not only  by the thickness and height of a tree but also by the number of circles on the trunk. Each circle indicates roughly a year. In fact if find any severed tree you will see number of concentric circles in a cross section of trunk growing from the middle outwards. The space between…