Duck like Dinosaurs Species found

Duck like Dinosaurs Species found

Dinosaurs have always been a mystery for human being and have always been a subject of experiment and finding something new about them. Recently a new species of Dinosaurs has been found and is named Halszkaraptor esuilliei after Polish palaeontologist Halszka Osmolska. This species has a bill like a duck, teeth like a croc’s, a swanlike neck and killer claws, flippers like a penguin but walked like an ostrich. This meat eating Dino can also swim making it the first of its kind having swimming ability. Though the creature could…

TEAL-World’s new favourite colour

TEAL-World’s new favourite colour

A global survey by approx 30,000 people across 100 countries by UK’s Hull City of Culture 2017 during a paper exhibition has found new favourite colour-TEAL which has been admired by people on this planet. TEAL- new colour was invented by Miss Marss who blended rich blue, grey and green tones that was inspired by colour on the river Tay, in her native town, Dundee, Scotland. Do you know that Teal is actually a small freshwater member of Duck family whose eyes are surrounded by this colour? Colours are associated…